Wednesday 13 March 2013

The technological age of pregnancy

So this morning I have decided to discuss the dreaded lurgy.  Yes - GOOGLITIS.  Its inflammation of the over-caution  gland, which is made fatal by feeding it with Google!  Now don't get me wrong...  I'm clearly not against Google or any other search engine in anyway shape or form... but the premise I'm chatting about here is when you're pregnant you seem to lose all rational thought and normality and look up every single thing that may or may not be a sign/symptom of pregnancy/maternity/bump/childbirth/new-born.

  I know this because I got infected with the same disease...  I thought I would put it into categories of just some of the things I've looked up all the way from conception (not anything sexy - not positions nor the karma sutra! ) to where I'm up to now at almost 22 weeks!

 Our world of information is an amazing thing, and how accessible everything is blows my mind - theoretically we should all be geniuses with all this free flowing data, but on the odd occasion, it may send you into a whirl of panic and dismay!

However a hell a lot of this 'counsel' or information is purely conjecture and opinion of people... And I guess that includes me.  however - I am not here to preach fact or intelligence - just to give my opinion and experiences through pregnancy - and hopefully to ease worried minds and make people smile!

I digress...


The conception phase.... Main culprits in my googlitis.

1. TWW.....  For all your lovely mummy's out there who were obsessed like moi - you will know all the acronyms and symbols etc for the dreaded TWO WEEK WAIT!

In fact - I may have even jumped ahead of myself there... what about monthly cycles and ovulation, timing conception and all that jazz...

Every single twinge, little sign, thinking, am I actually feeling sick or do I feel sick because i'm thinking about feeling sick?  What type of cervical mucus is that? Is that egg white? Is that 'sticky'? 

Leading up to BFP!

From then on...


I googled, is having stomach pain normal at 5 weeks pregnant?

How pregnant am I?

What can go wrong in pregnancy - including but not limited to, miscarriage, ectopic, MMC etc etc
This by far was the most SCARY of them all and caused me untold fret and sleepless nights - causing me to have a private scan at 7 weeks because I scared myself to death with all this 'knowledge'...

Subsequetly - that little blob is my bubba at 7 weeks 2 days :) which allowed me at least a few weeks sleep until the next scan...

Next questions...

What can't I do now i'm pregnant? and on the flip of this what CAN I do now i'm pregnant!

When do I tell the doctor? When do I tell work?  When do I see the midwife? Should I wait to tell until 12 weeks, and why do we wait until 12 weeks to tell?

What does my baby look like at 6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20 weeks pregnant?

Can I eat.... 
Bagged salad
This list is too huge to put on here, so I will not continue but i'm sure everyone has their own list!!!!!

Is it normal to.. (and leaving no stone unturned!)
be constipated, have piles, have white milky d/c (sorry tmi!), feel terrible, feel fine, have more veins, have more hair, cry for having no garam masala to make my curry, fall out with your husband, find your husband more attractive than ever, worry about everything, have sex, put on weight, not putting on weight, have a bump, have no bump, feel exhausted etc?

And the information I gathered was basically....  that no one had the concrete answer and that every pregnancy is DIFFERENT!

And pretty much YES it is normal to have every symptom under the sun and YES it is okay to cry and YES it is okay to be worried...  but just try not to let it ruin the pregnancy!

Now I've progressed to, baby names, how much should my baby move, now I've got the flu will coughing hurt my little man??  (this was only last night....), how big should my bump be, furniture, maternity leave blah blah blah...

I've figured this isn't going to stop, like ever - I shall be continuing this when my child is 18 and i'm googling 'what university's are the best for neuro-medical science?' (i'm wishing the best for my child! haha)...

The only one i'm avoiding atm is childbirth and what to expect... suddenly my googlitis has seemed to have calmed its symptoms!!!

E xxxxx

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Baby bump at 20 weeks and mini me :)

This is my bump growing nicely!! :) TEAM BLUE!!!

And piccy of my little Mr 20 weeks and one day

The joys of being pregnant!!!

Howdy - should've continued with this ages ago - however - had a mild panic that someone I knew would find out I was pregnant BEFORE the '12 week' magical mark!? So ceased action until I was well past it... that's now.

I'm now 21 weeks plus 3 days preggers and quite honestly the last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster!

The dreaded morning sickness, that turns you '50 shades of green', feeling particularly unattractive and generally like a walking zombie finally decided enough was enough at about 17 weeks.  Not gonna lie, this was WAY to long for my liking, but that's just the journey to motherhood for you.

Despite some of my pregnant friends, not even feeling nauseous, let alone throwing up every little morsel of food that passes your lips, I was in very good spirits.

Last week we found out we're team blue! And I'm massively excited by this, and I had two whole weeks of feeling marvellous, 'blooming' and generally pretty smug until last Wednesday, when I uttered the words to my husband...  ''have you got a sore throat''?? 

DEAR LORD....  I have had PREGNANCY FLU!  Much worse than man flu, or any other type of flu...  Its vulgar.

I have coughed, vomited (through coughing so much), had severe headaches, post nasal drip, earache, chest pain, general fatigue and a very grim outlook!!!!  And to top it off...  its lasting forever.

Not ACTUALLY forever.  But it feels like it, and I'm sure Hubs feels like I've had it for the past 100 years.  It has actually just been about a week, but my god, you can't do anything! No fun, no outings, no showing off my lovely bump, no energy, no life, no nowt!

I'm antibiotics now - which I have been assured by the Doctor, nurse and 2 pharmacists are safe for use during pregnancy...

This sent me into turmoil, do I take it? Will it hurt my little bubba? Can I get rid of this without it??  Is the actual virus hurting my little bubba? ARGH! I decided to trust in the medical profession and try and get myself back healthy, as I see it, my bun isn't going to cook nicely if the ovens on the blink!

Isn't pregnancy a bit scary at times, its wonderful and joyful and exciting and marvellous, but goodness me, its nerve wracking, makes you question everything, worrying and SCARY!

Maybe I'm the only acopic pregnant flu ridden lassy out there...  or of course, maybe actually we all harbour feelings like this and its really quite nice to hear that others stress as much as yourself!

Any comments or experiences welcome to my blog :)

Never meant for my first rant to be so whingey...  but what the hell... I'm pregnant ;)

E xx

Sunday 9 December 2012


A little bit about me to get us going...  My name is Emily and I am a newbie Mummy to be...  I've decided to write a blog for a number of reasons, the first being I want to remember how I feel right now for the rest of my life.  Through the ups and downs, and the magic and madness, every single detail!  Secondly - I want to channel my emotions into a 'creative space' because either  I'll worry myself to death, or my husbands ears may get a very hard time over the next several months...

This is me (Below!)  Was taken a couple of years ago...  I'm now older (obviously) no wiser...  ;)

I'm 28 (shocking I know), married to my wonderful husband and have a wee doggy called Biffy and a step daughter!

However - this is the journey into MOTHERHOOD when I'm cooking the bun myself!

Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my Journey as much as I will :) Lots of love, E xx